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Find a freelance analyst in Bamako

Paydesk has 29 analysts in Bamako. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top analysts in Bamako are Adama Kone and Alfousseni Sidibe.

Use our analyst directory to find a member to work for you.

Analysts in Bamako

Adama Kone

Bamako, Mali
Adama Kone is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.

Alfousseni Sidibe

Bamako, Mali
Alfousseni SIDIBE is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
Alfousseni SIDIBE is a graduate at the University of Bamako (Faculty of Language Letters Arts and Human Sciences “FLASH”) where he obtained a “Maitrise” degree in English. He has a Bachelor degree in Business Administration. Mr. Sidibé has Read moreover 7 years of intensive work experience in Translation & Interpretation, Community Development, Volunteer Program Management, Agricultural Communication, Entrepreneurship, Business Development and Value Chain Development.

Alou Diawara

Bamako, Mali
Alou Diawara is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.

Annie Risemberg

Bamako, Mali
I am a freelance journalist based in Bamako, Mali since 2018. I studied fine art photography in college, primarily working in documentary photography, and began work as a photojournalist in 2016. I was trained in video journalism in 2020. I have been primarily working as a radio and text journalist Read moresince 2022 as Mali's media space has shrunk and foreign journalists have been prohibited from reporting. As of 2023, I have dual American-Malian citizenship and hope to get back to my true love, video, over the course of the year. I am available for video, photo, and radio assignments and cover breaking news, politics, and culture, but also love to do more in-depth work diving into some of the less-covered stories that lie under the surface. 

I received a 2019 National Geographic Explorer grant for my long term photo and video project on Sufism in Mali.
English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Social Cultural

Bram Posthumus

Bamako, Mali
Bram Posthumus is an independent journalist based in Bamako, Mali, with a long experience in (Francophone and Lusophone) West Africa. Countries of special expertise include Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Cabo Verde, Liberia, Mali and Senegal.
German English French
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Business Politics Current Affairs

Coumba Coucou Toure

Bamako, Mali
I am a devoted journalist who regularly participates in the collection and processing of information by writing, voicing and presenting news related stories for use in radio, television and to be displayed on the internet. I have also been part of the Voice Of America media structure since 2018 Read morewhile I was living in Washington DC. Today, I have moved to MALI West Africa, and I am delighted to still be part of the VOA’s task force. As a journalist, most of my actions consist of developing an effective communications strategy, implementing event projects to increase the notoriety of the structure in the eyes of the public and monitoring my personal performance on a daily basis. Having been trained in communication practices and specialized in multimedia, I am now able to develop a real sense of organization and has increased my capacity to adapt to, and analyze any role. I am also very much capable of working in a team, under pressure and to take responsibility for the execution of the tasks entrusted to me. My experience at the VOA has allowed me to acquire numerous opportunities, one of which is being a TV news anchor and show host within another media structure called TM1 TV in Mali West - Africa, where I performed similar job tasks. I believe that my background and diverse experiences could bring effective problem-solving skills at the same time provide an outstanding opportunity for professional development and personal growth.
Bambara English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

Dangnoko Mohamed Sangoulé

Bamako, Mali
DANGNOKO Mohamed Sangoulé is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
I am Mohamed Sangoulé DANGNOKO born January 11, 1989 in Bamako.
I hold a master's degree in law from the Faculty of Juridical and Political Sciences (FSJP) of Bamako and a Higher Diploma in Journalism and Communication (DSJC) Read moreobtained in 2014 at the Center d'Études des Sciences et Techniques de l ' Information (CESTI) from Cheick Anta Diop University in Dakar.

I am Image Reporter Journalist, correspondent for several media (Medi1tv, VOA).
I am a TV, web and radio content producer.
The subjects: security, politics, environment and sports make up the bulk of my productions.
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fact Checking
Fact Checking

David Dembele

Bamako, Mali
DAVID DEMBELE is a journalist and trainer based in Bamako, Mali.
Investigative Journalism Fact Checking
Investigative Reporting Fact Checking

Diakaridia Dembele

Bamako, Mali
Diakaridia Dembele is a journalist and photograph based in Bamako, Mali. Worked for UN system in the ten passed years in humanitarian and peacekeeping field. I have also worked for several media outlets.
Bambara English French
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Documentaries Feature Stories
Finance Current Affairs Natural Disasters

Garand Keita

Bamako, Mali
Born on septembre 23, 1990 in Bamako, Garand Keita studied in Bamako, he obtained his Master's degree at the Groupe Gemini University of Bamako in strategy and management of communication in 2020.
Bambara French
Vox Pop Fact Checking
Fact Checking

Georges Attino Coulibaly

Bamako, Mali
Georges Attino Coulibaly is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
Bambara English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Documentaries
Politics Investigative Reporting Social

Habibatou Dite Nangatio Traoré

Bamako, Mali
Habibatou dite Nangatio Traoré is a journalist.
Bambara French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Finance Politics

Idelette Bissuu

Bamako, Mali
Idelette Bissuu is a journalist based in Bamako

Audiovisual specialty, particularly in the production chain which goes from proposing the subject to filming and editing, including writing the text and voice-over.
In correspondence, she collaborates with European and African media in the field Read moreof producing stories for magazines or television news as well as for web journalism and written press.
Its interests are focused on topics related to security, economics, politics, health, environment and culture. Its coverage concerns Africa in particular. Based south of the Sahara, with her pen and her voice, she works alongside the national editorial offices of African countries and adds to her professional experience collaborations with Western media groups.

Passionate about issues of culture, health, environment, economics, scie

Idelette Bissuu est une journaliste basée à Bamako

Spécialité audiovisuelle notamment dans la chaîne de production qui va de la proposition du sujet au tournage et montage en passant par l'écriture du texte et la voix off. 
En correspondance, elle collabore avec des médias européens et africains dans le domaine des productions de sujets pour les magazines ou des journaux télévisés ainsi que que pour le web-journalisme et presse écrite. 
Ses centres d'intérêt sont orientés sur les sujets liés à la sécurité, l'économie, la politique, la santé, l'environnement et la culture. Ses couvertures concernent notamment l'Afrique. Basée au sud du Sahara, avec sa plume et sa voix, elle côtoie les rédactions nationales des pays d'Afrique et ajoute à son expérience professionnelle des collaborations avec des groupes de médias occidentaux.

Passionnée de questions de culture, santé, environnement, économiques, sciences et innovations technologiques, elle est ouverte aux challenges qui se présentent à elle. 
Langue utilisée niveau expérimenté: le Français
Langue utilisée Niveau intermédiaire: l'Anglais (pour les conversations)
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Finance Technology Science & Environment

Issiaka Tamboura

Bamako, Mali
Issiaka TAMBOURA est un journaliste malien basé au Mali à Bamako. Il est journaliste-reporter d'images et de la presse écrite, auteur, traducteur et interprète.
English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Risk Analysis
Politics War Reporter Investigative Reporting

Katarina Höije

Bamako, Mali
Katarina Höije is an independent journalist based between West Africa and Scandinavia.

She has contributed to outlets such as the New York Times, The Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, VICE, CNN and the BBC. She has filed regularly to France24 and RFI and she is a frequent contributor to Voice Read moreof America and IRIN News. She has provided in-depth reporting and news analysis for international media and contributed to research reports for think tanks and research institutes.

She has a bachelor in journalism from the Danish School of Journalism.

Koné Zana

Bamako, Mali
Koné Zana is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.

Korotoumou Djilla

Bamako, Mali
Korotoumou Djilla is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.  She learn cultural journalism. She can write articles,  make videos and audio.  Some times she makes photos.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Arts & Books Film & Theatre

Massalou Diallo Diouf

Bamako, Mali
Massalou Diallo DIOUF is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.

Journalist Reporters d'Image, for 3 years. I am independent and I have a Master 1 in Journalism and Communication
Bambara French
Business Finance Politics

Moctar Barry

Bamako, Mali
Moctar BARRY, Born on June 23, 1981 in Ouagadougou, Moctar BARRY studied at Dano in the southwest of Burkina Faso. After graduating from primary school in 1994, he entered Korsimoro College, this time in the center-north. He obtained his BEPC in 1999 and was admitted to the Lycée Philippe Zinda Read moreKABORE. In 2004 he obtained an A4 bac. He passes the Communication and Journalism entrance test at the Department of Arts and Communication at the University of Ouagadougou. A year later he successfully passed the entrance test to the cinema school, Institut Supérieur de Image et du Son (ISIS) in Ouagadougou. Oriented in production, he graduated as an engineer in cinema and audiovisual communication in 2009. He completed 2 years of production at Africable Television (November 2009- October 2011).
From December 2011 to December 2015 Moctar BARRY is Journalist reporter images for the account of the web Télé Droit Libre tv based in Burkina Faso (******). He is today coordinator of the film festival "Ciné Droit libre Bamako".
Moctar BARRY has been Africa 24 correspondent since February 2016, for whom he has produced more than 500 reports on politics, culture, economy, health, society etc ...
Moctar BARRY also covered the 2016 presidential elections in Benin and Djibouti.
Moctar BARRY is the inventor of the refereeing glove proposed to FIFA for the distribution of boxes for more information visit the blog at ****** or ****** His latest find, the Sports Film Festivala journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
Bambara English Fula
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Arts & Books Natural Disasters

Mory Toure

Bamako, Mali
Toure Mory is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
 Très tôt, Mory Touré été baigné dans la musique d’abord en tant que mélomane et vendeur des vinyles,  cassettes et cd  .Par la suite, il s’est orienté vers les métiers du spectacle comme régisseur, promoteur de spectacles ensuite comme manager et Read moreagents d'artistes.
 Surnommé  « Monsieur le musicologue », le globe-trotteur Mory Touré, a sillonné la majeur partie de l’Afrique d’abord par passion pour la musique  et aujourd’hui comme professionnel.                                                                                                     L’infatigable panafricain s’est forgé une réputation dans le domaine culturelle avec un impressionnant carnet d’adresses et  une grande maîtrise du patrimoine des musiques africaines. Il est aujourd’hui correspondant de plusieurs radios dont la Radio France Internationale (Couleurs Tropicale), chroniqueur de musiques sur plusieurs radios du monde et cela depuis plus de 15 ans.                                                                                                                         Humble, courtois, curieux et disponible, le dynamique promoteur et initiateur du web radio  « Radio Afrika »qui a accompagné tous les grands évènements culturels africains durant une décennie. Mory Touré, impressionne par sa culture générale et sa modestie.
 Animateur Radio avec Radio Afrika 
 MASA (Cote d'Ivoire)
 Visa for Music (Maroc)
 FEMUA (Cote d'ivoire) 
 FESPACO (Burkina-Faso)
 DOMAF (Cameroun)
 AME (Cap-Vert) 
 Festival Assalamalekoum (Mauritanie)
 NAK KOUDOUGOU (Burkina-Faso)
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Arts & Books Fact Checking

Moussa Diarra

Bamako, Mali
Moussa Diarra is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
English French

Mouyamou Kouyaté

Bamako, Mali
Mouyamou Kouyaté is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali. She has almost 10 years of career with Radio Kledu in Bamako as a journalist and reporter. She is currently correspondent of the VOA Afrique in the Malian capital. She is hardworking, committed, and convinced of the potential of African women Read morein general and Malian women in particular, Mariam is the chairperson of an association that works for the economic empowerment of women in precarious situations.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Fact Checking
Fact Checking

Pascal Traore

Bamako, Mali
Pascal TRAORE is a journalist. Diplôme d’une licence en journalisme et communication, ça fait 03 ans que je suis dans le domaine du journalisme en free-lance.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Finance Politics

Paul Chandler

Bamako, Mali
Paul Chandler is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.

Seynabou Thiéro

Bamako, Mali
Seynabou Thiéro is a journalist based in Bamako, Mali.
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