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Find a freelance analyst in Sudan

Find a freelance analyst in Sudan

Paydesk has 39 analysts in Sudan. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top analysts in Sudan are Abdelkhalig Mohamed and Abdulla Mohiedeen.

Use our analyst directory to find a member to work for you.

We have analysts in Khartoum, Khartoum North, Port Sudan, Wad Madani and Wadi Halfa.

Analysts in Sudan

Abdelkhalig Mohamed

Al Khurtum, Sudan
Abdelkhalig Mohamed is a journalist based in Al Khurtum, Sudan.
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Fact Checking

Abdulla Mohiedeen

Khartoum, Sudan
Abdulla Mohiedeen is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Arabic English
Documentaries News Gathering Content Writing
Politics Investigative Reporting Research

Ahmad Mahmoud

Khartoum, Sudan
Ahmad Mahmoud is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.

Alsanosi Adam

Khartoum, Sudan
Alsanosi Adam is a journalist. Videographers and a documentary filmmaker. He has 8 year of radio experience and 7 years as a video journalist and a filmmaker.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Current Affairs Film & Theatre

Ashraf Idris

Khartoum, Sudan
Ashraf Idris is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Arabic English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Music Cultural

Ashraf Idris Mohamed Idris Idris

Khartoum, Sudan
ASHRAF IDRIS MOHAMED IDRIS IDRIS is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.

I am Ashraf Idris, a Sudanese journalist and  have been covering both Sudan and South Sudan for 20 years now. Moreover, I have been doing writing reports and shooting videos  for the Associated Press since 2006 as a  Read moreFreelance from Sudan
Video Rushes
Breaking News

Assim Altayeb

Khartoum, Sudan
Assim ALtayeb is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Photography Drone Footage
Investigative Reporting

Bathumi Dak

Khartoum, Sudan
Bathumi Dak is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Arabic English
News Gathering Feature Stories Research
Politics Current Affairs Research

Elwaleed Ahmed

Khartoum, Sudan
Elwaleed Ahmed is a journalist specialized in news fact-checking and open-source journalism with more than ten years of experience in digital media. He worked and collaborated with several media companies and international organizations, such as Al Jazeera Media Network, Al Araby TV, AFP news Read moreverification service, the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), and Freedom House.
Arabic English Sundanese
News Gathering Fact Checking
Breaking News Fact Checking

Ezaldeen Arbab

Khartoum, Sudan
Ezaldeen Arbab is a seasoned journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan, with a keen focus on the myriad political and economic challenges facing his country. His reporting has provided in-depth coverage of the transitional government's struggles with reforms, the persistent economic hardships, and the Read morepervasive influence of the military in Sudanese politics. Arbab's work has been instrumental in shedding light on critical events such as the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, offering insights into the government's endeavors to implement reforms and secure international debt relief.

Arbab's journalism extends to the intricacies of peace negotiations in conflict-ridden regions like Darfur, where he has reported on the implications of the UNAMID's withdrawal and the ongoing efforts to establish lasting peace. His commitment to covering both national and international issues is further exemplified by his reporting on the fatal police shooting of a Sudanese asylum seeker in Glasgow, highlighting the broader concerns of the Sudanese diaspora.

Throughout his career, Arbab has distinguished himself as a dedicated correspondent, adept at navigating the complex tapestry of Sudan's socio-political landscape. His contributions to the field of journalism have not only informed a global audience but have also played a crucial role in amplifying the voices of those affected by Sudan's tumultuous journey towards stability and democracy.
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Vox Pop News Gathering
Politics Music Climate Change

Faiz Abubakar Mohammed Mohammed

Khartoum North, Sudan
Faiz Abubakar Mohammed Mohammed is a distinguished journalist and photographer based in Khartoum, Sudan, with a keen focus on the socio-political landscape of Northeast Africa, especially Sudan. He holds a bachelor's degree in public relations from the Sudan University of Science and Technology, Read morewhich complements his storytelling through both written journalism and visual media. Faiz's reporting is particularly concentrated on the resistance committees' efforts to restore democracy in the aftermath of the military coup in Sudan. He provides in-depth coverage of their strategies, which encompass protests, political discourse, and public service discussions, while also emphasizing the nonviolent nature of their actions and the casualties they have faced in their opposition to military rule.

In addition to his written work, Faiz is an accomplished photographer whose compelling images have captured the attention of a global audience. His photography has been featured in prestigious publications such as The New York Times, and he has showcased his work in exhibitions across Sudan and internationally, including in India, Romania, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. His talent in visual storytelling has been recognized with his inclusion in the African Photojournalism Database, a directory of emerging and professional African visual journalists established by the World Press Photo Foundation and Everyday Africa.

Faiz's contributions to photojournalism were further acknowledged when he became a 2022 World Press Photo Contest winner, an accolade that highlights his exceptional ability to capture and communicate powerful narratives through his lens. His engagement with a wider audience is also facilitated through social media, where he shares his work and insights on platforms such as Instagram (@faizabubak) and Twitter (@AbubakrFawaz), connecting with followers and fellow professionals in the field of journalism and media.
Feature Stories Investigative Journalism Photography
War Reporter Cultural Breaking News

Haydar Mohamed

Khartoum, Sudan
A Journalist with nearly 10 years of experience. Well-trained in investigative journalism, and a recipient of “Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh Award” – the most prestigious press award in Sudan. Constantly strives to improve owned skills and develop new skills to reach a higher level in press career. A Read morestrong believer that the job of a journalist does not end up with publishing an article or investigation, as reporters play a role in introducing change in societies through publishing feedback on a particular issue. Pays special attention to human and freedoms issues. Looking for a full-time job to grow professionally and be part of a team that achieves media organizing goals.
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Finance Politics Science & Environment

Idress Osman

Khartoum, Sudan
Idress Osman is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Research Fact Checking
Finance Politics Current Affairs

Islam Dawood

Wadi Halfa, Sudan
Islam Dauood is a journalist and TV director based in Wadi Halfa, Sudan.
Arabic English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Science & Environment Film & Theatre Music

Isma'Il Kushkush

Al Khurtum, Sudan
Isma'Il Kushkush is a journalist based in Al Khurtum, Sudan.
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Fact Checking

Khattab Hamad

Khartoum, Sudan
Khattab Hamad is a Data and Media researcher based in Khartoum, Sudan. Khattab works to write, transcribe, and research for many international organizations.
Arabic English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Journalism Fact Checking
Politics Technology Investigative Reporting

Malaz Hassan

Khartoum, Sudan
Malaz Hassan is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Finance Politics

Mandela Lino

Khartoum, Sudan
الصحافة هي مهنة رفيعة تتطلب المهارات والتفاني. يعتبر الصحفي أحد أعمدة المجتمع، حيث يقوم برصد الأحداث وتوثيقها ونشرها بشكل دقيق وموثوق. يتحمل الصحافي مسؤولية كبيرة في تقديم المعلومات بشكل موضوعي ومهني، وذلك لضمان حق المجتمع في الحصول على الحقائق.

يتمتع الصحافي بقدرة فريدة على استرجاع المعلومات Read moreوتجميعها، والتحليل والتقييم الموضوعي للأحداث المختلفة. لا يكتفي الصحافي بتقديم الأخبار بل يسعى أيضًا لاستجلاء الحقائق والوقوف على جوانب القصة المختلفة. يسعى الصحافي لإلقاء الضوء على القضايا المهمة والمثيرة للاهتمام، وكشف الفساد والظلم، والمساهمة في تعزيز العدالة والديمقراطية.

تتطلب مهنة الصحافة قدرًا كبيرًا من الاستعداد والصبر والشجاعة. فالصحافي يواجه تحديات متعددة في سبيل الحصول على المعلومات، وقد يتعرض للمخاطر لكشف الحقائق المهمة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن يكون الصحافي ملتزمًا بمبادئ الأخلاق في عمله، وأن يحافظ على استقلاليته ونزاهته.

إن الصحافة تعتبر الركيزة الأساسية للديمقراطية، حيث توفر للمواطنين المعلومات اللازمة لاتخاذ القرارات الصائبة. تسهم الصحافة في توعية الجمهور وتنمية الوعي العام، وتعمل على تعزيز حرية التعبير وحق الوصول إلى المعلومات.

في النهاية، فإن الصحافة تعد ركيزة أساسية في تطور المجتمعات وتعزيز العدالة والشفافية. يجب أن نقدر وندعم دور الصحافي ونساهم في توفير بيئة تشجع على حرية الصحافة واستقلاليتها. فقط من خلال دعمنا للصحافة، يمكننا أن نضمن المعلومات الدقيقة والموثوقة التي تلبي احتياجات المجتمع.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Entertainment & Celebrity Social

Mawahib Abdallatif

Khartoum, Sudan
Mawahib Abdallatif is a seasoned journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan, with a specialized focus on Sudanese affairs. Her reporting is deeply rooted in the transitional government's peace efforts and the intricate dynamics of the Darfur region. Abdallatif provides in-depth coverage of the ethnic Read moreclashes and keenly observes the repercussions of the UNAMID's withdrawal on the local security situation. Her expertise extends to the broader scope of international relations, where she adeptly highlights Sudan's interactions with global players, particularly the United States, shedding light on economic cooperation and bilateral peace initiatives.

Abdallatif's work is comprehensive, addressing the myriad challenges that confront Sudan's government as it strives to implement peace agreements and sustain national stability. She offers a nuanced understanding of the historical context behind the Darfur conflict, ensuring that her audience grasps the complexity of the issues at hand. Her journalism not only chronicles the events but also critically examines the international community's response to the persistent violence in the region.

Through her reporting, Mawahib Abdallatif has become a respected voice in media, providing valuable insights into the evolving political and social landscape of Sudan. Her dedication to uncovering the truth and presenting it with clarity makes her contributions to journalism and media on Sudanese affairs particularly significant.

Maya Gadir

Khartoum, Sudan
Maya Gadir is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan. She is one of the longest running English Radio hosts in Sudan, with over 7 years of experience working in Media as a Radio Broadcaster of the morning flagship show with the highest listenership as well as a radio journalist at the first English Read moreradio station in Sudan, "Capital Radio 91.6FM". She continues to work as a content creator and presenter on various visual projects to develop the quality of the visual content in the Sudanese media. Maya is currently working on empowering Sudanese ladies and young women by different projects and mentoring programs that will help raise their awareness to explore, discover and reach their true potentials.
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Music

Michael Atit

Khartoum, Sudan
Michael Atit is a distinguished radio journalist and reporter with a rich background in covering current events and breaking news from Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and its surrounding regions. His work with Voice of America's 'South Sudan in Focus' program has seen him delve into the complex Read moresocio-political and economic issues of Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular emphasis on South Sudan. Atit's reporting spans a wide array of subjects, including civil unrest, the environmental and humanitarian impacts of the oil industry, and the economic challenges faced by local populations amidst civil war.

Before his tenure with Voice of America, Atit contributed to the Catholic Radio Network's Voice of Hope radio, where he was instrumental in promoting peace and reconciliation among diverse communities. His journalistic endeavors have included a variety of radio news segments, feature stories, and programs, through which he has honed his ability to identify and report on pertinent issues. Atit's commitment to journalism is evident in his in-depth coverage of sensitive topics such as ceasefire violations, wealth accumulation by political leaders during conflict, and the international response to regional crises.

Atit's work is characterized by a dedication to uncovering the truth and providing a voice to those affected by conflict and corruption. He has reported on the strikes by employees of Kenya Commercial Bank in South Sudan, the tragic attack on a convoy in Western Bahr el Ghazal state, and the firing of the UNMISS Force Commander by the United Nations for failing to protect civilians. His reporting also extends to the broader Sudanese conflict, including peace talks and the skepticism surrounding them, ensuring that his audience is well-informed about the ongoing developments in the region.
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Mogtaba Kanary

Khartoum, Sudan
Mogtaba kanary is a journalism based in wd Madani, Sudan 
23 year's old, freelancer photographer & videographer since 2017 till now worked as cooperative photographer with AFP, EPA , Al-Jazeera & zdf tv
Arabic English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Politics Current Affairs Medical

Mohamed Fazari

Khartoum, Sudan
Mohamed Fazari is a Journalist , News Producer, TANA4MEDIA. Editor - in Chief of Khartoum Today on-line. Correspondent for TRTWORLD in Khartoum .Chairman Board of Director for Proficent Media Center (PMC) Master in International Relations- Fluent in Arabic , English and French
Arabic English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs War Reporter

Mohamed Haroun

Khartoum, Sudan
Mohamed Haroun is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Documentaries Video Rushes
Current Affairs Breaking News Fact Checking

Muttaz Makawi

Khartoum, Sudan
Muttaz Makawi is a journalist based in Khartoum, Sudan.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Documentaries Photography
Media Training Fact Checking
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