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Sophia Jessen

Roskilde, Denmark
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About Sophia
I am a journalist based in Denmark with expertise in print journalism and multimedia. Through my work in journalism and the humanitarian sector, I have gained valuable knowledge, enabling me to research and deliver stories with perspective. Among other things, I can offer:

- News stories
- Feature stories
- Multimedia content
- SoMe content
- Interviews
- Photos
- Video (basic)

I hold an MA in Journalism, Media and Globalisation, specializing in War and Conflict Reporting, from Swansea University in the United Kingdom and a BA in Journalism from the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Denmark.
Danish English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Fact Checking

Det var en mand med overskud, vi så på gårsdagens etape, da Adam Hansen nød en øl på vej ad det legendariske Alpe d’Huez.

Michael Mørkøv gør som sædvanlig sit arbejde til perfektion, roser sportsdirektør Fabrizio Guidi efter holdets anden etapesejr i Vueltaen.

Efter to år og en fyring af den tidligere leder er problemerne fortsat mange på Ringsted Bo- og Servicecenter, der i september måned fik uanmeldt besøg af kommunens revisionsfirma BDO, som nu slår ned på flere forhold, der giver anledning til bekymring.

Det er ikke kun krigsveteranerne, der kæmper for deres ve og vel på Ringsted Veterancenter. Efter flere besøg og samtaler med stedets ansatte, har Arbejdstilsynet vurderet, at også veterancenterets social-, job- og uddannelsesrådgivere døjer med et hårdt arbejdsmiljø.

Expert: No production methods can handle the future food challenge

12 Mar 2020  |  LandbrugsAvisen
Niels Halberg, director of the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, states that no current production methods can meet the challenges posed by a global population expected to exceed nine billion by 2050. He emphasizes the need for sustainable food production increases that address climate change, soil fertility, biodiversity, and water management. Halberg highlights the environmental damage caused by existing agricultural methods, including soil degradation and biodiversity loss, and suggests that organic farming, which relies on natural processes, could be a path forward. He also notes the importance of considering dietary changes in future agricultural systems, with some people gaining more access to animal products while others could benefit from healthier diets.

Researchers: Organic farming is a disaster for humans and the environment

12 Mar 2020  |  LandbrugsAvisen
Researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences criticize the organic farming movement in their new book 'The Ecological Dream'. They argue that organic farming is not more environmentally friendly, could double the leaching compared to conventional farming, and would significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions if adopted on a large scale in Sweden. They predict that a complete shift to organic farming would require nearly double the current agricultural land area, leading to more deforestation and food insecurity globally. The researchers advocate for targeted and effective environmental measures and further research, rather than ideological approaches to agriculture.

Expert: Uncertain if Less Antibiotics Will Remove MRSA

12 Mar 2020  |  LandbrugsAvisen
A new MRSA action plan for agriculture has been announced by Danish Food Minister Dan Jørgensen, following a fourfold increase in MRSA cases in Danish pig herds since 2010. An expert group recommends further reduction in antibiotic use in agriculture. Karl Pedersen, a professor at DTU Veterinary Institute, which has been granted 25 million kroner for a research project on MRSA, states that current knowledge on combating MRSA is limited. The expert group also suggests reducing dust in stables and optimizing ventilation as potential measures to reduce MRSA, in addition to lowering antibiotic use.

National Plowing Championship: World Champion in Major Comeback

12 Mar 2020  |  LandbrugsAvisen
Jens Iversen, a farmer from Mors, won the national plowing championship in Løgstør, qualifying for next year's world championships, 18 years after his last world title. Hardy Andersen and Flemming Thorsager followed in the standard plow competition, while Søren Korsgaard, who also competed in this year's world championships in France, won the reversible plow competition. The event was kept secret until preparations began, and Iversen acknowledged needing more training. Iversen will attend the world championships with Søren Korsgaard, whom he coached this year, with optimism for next year's event in Thisted, Denmark.

MRSA requirements impact small herds

12 Mar 2020  |  LandbrugsAvisen
New regulations from the Danish Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) require swine producers to create a contamination protection plan and a separate space in their stables to combat swine-MRSA. While larger herds already comply, smaller ones may struggle due to lack of facilities, potentially leading to the termination of advisory contracts and herd closures. Experts like Michael Janns, Jesper Eriksen, Andreas Birch, and Bente Johansen express concerns about the feasibility of eradicating MRSA, citing a lack of knowledge about its transmission and persistence, as seen with salmonella, which remains despite costly efforts to eliminate it.

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Promotional video about #GenderJusticeAr in relation to an upcoming report on gender justice and equality before the law in the Arab States region.

Five experts are giving examples of good practices that currently exist in the Arab States region to promote gender justice. The video was part of a mini-campaign #GenderJusticeAR for an upcoming report on gender justice and equality before the law in the Arab States region.

Five experts are being asked what they believe are the current challenges to the legal status of Arab women and girls. The video was created as part of a mini-campaign #GenderJusticeAR for an upcoming report on gender justice and equality before the law in the Arab States region.

As she brings her comedy show ‘It’s No Job for a Nice Jewish Girl’ to Israel, Rachel Creeger is reveling in her unique place in British comedy.

This Orthodox Female Comedian Is Standing Up to anti-Semitism

27 Mar 2019  |  haaretz.com
Rachel Creeger, previously known as a playwright and theater director, often found herself labeled as Jewish in reviews, regardless of the content of her work. Embracing this aspect of her identity, she has now positioned herself as the only practising Orthodox female comedian in Britain. This shift represents a strategic move to use her unique cultural background to her advantage in the entertainment industry.

Far-right Leader Says Won't Join Next Israeli Government Unless It Agrees to Legalize Marijuana

24 Mar 2019  |  www.haaretz.com
Moshe Feiglin, the leader of the Zehut party in Israel, has made a public statement during a campaign event in Tel Aviv, declaring that his party will not be part of any government coalition unless it commits to legalizing marijuana. This stance positions the Zehut party as a significant player in the Israeli election, especially for voters who support the legalization of marijuana. Feiglin's announcement has the potential to influence coalition negotiations following the election, depending on Zehut's performance at the polls.

Yair Lapid Outlines Four Demands for Peace With Palestinians

07 Mar 2019  |  www.haaretz.com
Yair Lapid, co-leader of Kahol Lavan, expressed concerns about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's change in behavior and the current state of Israeli democracy at an event in Tel Aviv's ZOA House. Lapid criticized the government's attacks on democratic institutions such as the Supreme Court, freedom of the press, and the police. He also discussed the need for legislation to prevent criminal investigations against a sitting premier. Lapid's party, Kahol Lavan, is performing well in polls and could potentially lead to him becoming Israel's prime minister in 2021. He outlined his party's stance on the Israel-Palestinian issue, emphasizing security and the indivisibility of Jerusalem. Lapid also promised to reallocate funds from political agreements to reduce the cost of living for Israelis. The event highlighted concerns about gender representation in Kahol Lavan and the party's policies beyond replacing Netanyahu.

Among Newbie and Veteran Laborites, Primary Election Showed All Hope Is Not Lost – Yet

13 Feb 2019  |  www.haaretz.com
On Monday, Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv was bustling with activity as Labor party activists and volunteers assembled during the party's primary. The scene was lively, with snacks, leaflets, and flowers being distributed to passersby who appeared to be potential voters. The gathering was part of the Labor party's efforts to engage with the public and garner support during the primary elections.

These children cannot cope in their home country if they are deported

11 Mar 2013  |  Information
In Denmark, only about half of the asylum-seeking children receive education in their mother tongue, which experts argue could hinder their educational opportunities if they are deported after a rejected asylum application. A report by Dansk Flygtningehjælp highlighted that returned children struggle with their native language skills. Danish law states that asylum children should be offered mother tongue education 'as far as possible,' but practical challenges make this difficult. The Red Cross and other centers try to use older asylum seekers as teachers due to budget constraints. A recent asylum agreement aims to improve language education for rejected asylum seekers, but there is recognition that more could be done to support children while their cases are processed.

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