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Find a freelance researcher in Berlin

Find a freelance researcher in Berlin

Paydesk has 107 researchers in Berlin. Our researchers, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top researchers in Berlin are Luis Assardo and Fernando Avilés.

Use our researcher directory to find a member to work for you.

Researchers in Berlin

Luis Assardo

Berlin, Germany
Luis Assardo is a journalist and researcher based in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of Confirmado, where he coordinates a team that fight misinformation. For 24 years has worked in paper, broadcast and online media. The last 10 has been leading digital newsrooms. Is an award winner for his Read moreinvestigations and research about troll factories, disinformation, radicalisation, hate speech and manipulation with electoral purposes.
As a professor teaches in many universities about digital journalism, multimedia, innovation, media business, and open source intelligence. Has been a fellow in Japan, Germany, United States and The Nederlands.
English Spanish
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fact Checking
Technology Natural Disasters Media Training

Fernando Avilés

Berlin, Germany
Fernando Avilés is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.

His work can be consulted on his professional portfolio: https://fernandolaviles.wixsite.com/portfolio/home-english
English Spanish Italian
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

Hayko Bağdat

Berlin, Germany
Hayko Bağdat
1976 yılında İstanbul’da doğdu. 2012 yılında İMC TV’de Roni Margulies ile beraber “Azı Karar Çoğu Zarar” programının yapımcılığını ve sunuculuğunu üstlendi. 2015 yılinda Bugün TV’de Nazlı Ilıcak ve Prof.Dr. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu ile birlikte „Özgür İfade“ programının Read moresunuculuğuna başlayan Hayko Bağdat, çok değerli konukları ağırlama ve farklı konuları  gündeme getirme fırsatı buldu. 
İyi bir sosyal medya kullanıcısı olan Hayko Bağdat ayda 20-30 milyon insana mizahi bir uslupla ulaşmaktadır. 
İlk kitabı Salyangoz 2014’te yayınlandı. İkinci kitabı „Gollik“ 2015 yılında, üçüncü kitabı „Kurtuluş Ҫok Bozuldu“ ise 2016 yılında okurlarıyla buluştu.
2013-2016 yılları arası Taraf Gazetesi’nde köşe yazarlığı yapan Bağdat, 2016 itibariyle Diken.com.tr’de yazmaya başladı.
2015’te hazırlıklarına başladığı Salyangoz adlı „Tek Kişilik Bişe“ gösterisi“ 2016 yılında önce BKM Mutfak Sahne’de ardından yurtiçi ve yurtdışı turne programı kapsamında binlerce izleyeni ile kucaklaşma imkanı sağladı. Bağdat’ın gösterisi halen Avrupa ve Amerika turnelerine devam etmektedir. Berlin’deki ilk gösterisini Maxim Gorki sahnesinde 2017 Mayıs ayında gerçekleştirdi.
Hayko Bağdat, 2017 Ocak ayında ailesi ile birlikte Almanya’ya taşınmak zorunda kaldı.  Can Dündar ile birlikte „Özgürüz“ adlı haber portalının hayata geçmesinde büyük bir rol oynadı. Yine aynı yılın Haziran ayında portalda çalışan gazeteci meslektaşlarının sosyal haklarının yerine getirilmemesi üzerine istifa etti.
Gazeteci Hayko Bagdat, ABD Başkanı Barack Obama – Türkiye Ziyareti (2009), İngiltere Parlamentosu (2013), Birleşmiş Milletler (New York- 2014), Avrupa Parlamentosu (Brüksel – 2014-2017), G20 Protestoları (2017) gibi pek çok prestijli yerde konuşmacı olarak katkı sundu.

Hayko Bağdat is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Live Reporting Fact Checking
Politics Fact Checking

Nastasia Beausejour

Berlin, Germany
Nastasia Beausejour is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
German English French
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Current Affairs Science & Environment Arts & Books

Nastasia Beausejour

Berlin, Germany
Nastasia Beausejour is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
Her primary areas are climate change, populism and fake news. 
Currently, she is journalist for the press agency Spread Pictures and writer for Mindvalley.
She also gives workshops for Erasmus +’s students about fake news. 
She also Read morehosts a live game show "Cash Show" for French audience (30 000 - 90 000) from Sunday to Wednesday at 8:30pm.

Nastasia is a member of the Deutscher Verband der Pressejournalisten (Press card 22454).
She regularly travels to annual conferences and event such as Cannes film festival and Berlinale. 
Passionate about travelling and reportage, she visited more than 35 countries.

Nastasia has a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Media from the University of Art, Paul Valery and was team leader of the German team during her Erasmus "spread the word" in Riga.

To complete her interest in climate changes, she participated to the workshop "Environmental Watchdog Journalism : Structural Change due to Climate Protection" offered by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brandenburg and bluelink.net
German English French
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Science & Environment Arts & Books Natural Disasters

Jan Hendrik Becker

Berlin, Germany
Jan Becker is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany. He presents a monthly TV-programme covering Eastern Europe and the Balkans. As an Arthur F. Burns fellow, Jan has worked with CBS News in New York, other international assignments include Deutsche Welle TV and CBC. He's been reporting for NDR Read moreTelevision, ARD First German TV and various radio-channels from Berlin. Having started as a political correspondent in music television, Jan is trained in explaining politics and breaking news to an audience that prefers Shakira over Angela Merkel. This set of skills has helped him to become a unique voice within the German media landscape and to file touching reports even under pressure and in unfolding breaking news situations. Jans production company bentele becker bewegtbild helps foreign teams to report from Germany by supplying both, skilled staff and production facilities in Berlin.

Bart Biesemans

Berlin, Germany
Bart Biesemans is a fixer and video journalist living in Berlin, Germany. 

He regularly films for press agency AFP and newspaper ZeitOnline.de.

Other media he worked for are 
- France Télévisions (French public TV)
- ITV (British private TV)
- Discovery Channel Spain 
- De Telegraaf (Read moreDutch newspaper)
- VTM (Belgian private TV)
German English Spanish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Research Social

Peter Bild

Berlin, Germany
Peter Bild is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Fact Checking

Gabriel Bonis

Berlin, Germany
I am a journalist, researcher on international refugee law and writer. Author of "Refugees of Idomeni" (https://goo.gl/VAUv5w).

I hold an MA in International Relations from Queen Mary University of London.

I mostly cover politics, society, migration, refugees and human rights. My work Read moreappeared on OpenDemocracy, Oxpol (University of Oxford), Rights in Exile Programme, Agenda for International Development, BBC News Brasil, BBC Mundo, Huffington Post, Deutsche Welle, Babbel Magazine and several Brazilian media outlets, including CartaCapital, O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, and UOL. Full portfolio: https://bit.ly/2VUhSk8.

I am currently based in Berlin. Previously, I worked in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and Serbia.
English Spanish Portuguese
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Kate Brady

Berlin, Germany
Kate Brady is a broadcast and print journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
German English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Breaking News Fact Checking

Dave Braneck

Berlin, Germany
I am a freelance writer and broadcast journalist in Berlin. I cover a range of topics including  sports (particularly German football and fan culture), US and German politics, and labor.

I write, produce and present short documentaries for Deutsche Welle’s TV and YouTube channels. I also work on Read moretheir TV sports desk and frequently appear as a live studio expert.
German English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries Feature Stories
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Sophie Brown

Berlin, Germany
Sophie Brown is a journalist and editor, who specialises in news and feature writing. She previously worked as a digital news producer and homepage editor for CNN International's Asia bureau in Hong Kong.
German English
Vox Pop News Gathering Feature Stories
Business Politics Current Affairs

Xiomara Catalina Castillo

Berlin, Germany
Xiomara Catalina Castillo is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.

I have worked at Caracol Television - Colombia, Terra Networks and Canal Trece- RTVC
English Spanish
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Corporate Content 360 Videography
Entertainment & Celebrity Music Social

Michaela Cavanagh

Berlin, Germany
I'm a freelance journalist and writer based in Berlin. 

I also work as an editor for Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster. 

You can find my work in the Globe and Mail, Vice, ZEIT, CityLab, Undark, Frame Magazine, and in other places on the internet.

I’m currently completing an MFA Read morein creative nonfiction at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia. My project is focused on the sociological and cultural dimensions of the climate crisis. 

Check out my website — ****** — follow me on Twitter, or get in touch by email.
German English Spanish
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
Politics Science & Environment Arts & Books

June Chua

Berlin, Germany
I'm a Canadian journalist living in Berlin - spent more than 15 years at the CBC News in Toronto as a writer/editor and reporter/producer.  I've written loads of arts and culture stories as well as news.
Check me out:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/junechua/
Current Affairs Arts & Books Film & Theatre

Anna Conkling

Berlin, Germany
Anna Conkling is a freelance journalist from New York. Her work focuses on current events, climate change, the war in Ukraine, and pop culture.
War Reporter

Phoebe Cooke

Berlin, Germany
Phoebe Cooke is a freelance journalist based in London.
German English
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
Current Affairs Science & Environment Investigative Reporting

Hernan Crespo

Berlin, Germany
Currently based in Germany.
German English Spanish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Politics Current Affairs Technology

Sebastian Cushing Rodriguez

Berlin, Germany
Sebastian Cushing Rodriguez is a multi-platform journalist based in Berlin, Germany. He has more than ten years experience working in Canada, Latin America, Asia and Europe. He has spent the last five years working at CBC News Network in Toronto.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Business Politics Current Affairs

Christine Daum-Farber

Berlin, Germany
daum-farber.net is our website. I work with my co-producer Nelson Farber who is from New York City. We have offices in Berlin and New York and work in the States and Europe. I have been working as a journalist and filmmaker for German TV for 20 years, especially on science and culture topics, but Read morealso on a wide range of other issues, history, development policy, human interest etc.
German English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Documentaries News Gathering
Fact Checking

Almudena De Cabo Tejerina

Berlin, Germany
Almudena de Cabo Tejerina is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
German English Spanish
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories Research
Politics Current Affairs Arts & Books

Diana De Nóbrega

Berlin, Germany
Diana de Nóbrega is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
Content Writing Fact Checking
Breaking News Fact Checking

Sabine Devins

Berlin, Germany
Sabine Devins is a German-Canadian journalist living in Berlin, Germany, since 2008. Fluent in DE and EN, experienced in data, broadcast and digital journalism. I work primarily as a fixer and producer for international news outlets coming in to Germany. I also specialize in data storytelling and Read moredigital formats.

I've worked for National Geographic, Voice of America, NHK, Global Television (Canada), Handelsblatt Global, and several other organizations since 2005.
German English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Content Writing
Business Current Affairs Research

Olga Dietze

Berlin, Germany
Olga Dietze is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.

Lea Dlugosch

Berlin, Germany
Lea Dlugosch is a journalist based in Berlin, Germany.
German English
Content Writing Corporate Content Research
Arts & Books Health & Fitness Medical
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